[As approved by the Registrar as Model bye-laws and adopted by the General Body meeting of the Harcofed on 21.03.1986 and registered by the Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies Ambala City exercising the powers of Registrar Cooperative Societies Haryana on 17th April, 1986 alongwith an amendment in the bye-laws No. 32 (xvi) registered on 14th October, 1987] and further amendment in the Bye-laws No.22,32 and 33 registered on 23-08-1988. Amendment in Bye-law No. 13-A Registered on 25-01-1991 and further amendment in the Bye-Laws Sr. No. 4(viii), 8, 12, 13(a), 22,25,32 (xvi) 33 & 37 has been registered by ARCS Ambala exercising the power of RCS, Haryana on 26.10.2015 under reference no. 3490.